About Us
About Us

About Us
About Us
No multi choice answering machines to deal with, each contract has a dedicated point of contact so you have a “one stop” no non-sense Manager at your disposal.
Personal also means tailor made solutions unique to your requirements.
All our staff are fully trained, uniformed & regular site inspections with multiple check points specifically designed for your premises are carried out to an agreed standard.
We are, of course also audited and fully accredited to the ISO9001 standard.
Working with, training, inspiring & motivating our people gives us a very committed workforce & extremely low staff turnover. We are Investors in People accredited and are proud of the hard work all our staff perform to achieve and maintain this Prestigious recognition.
We take the Environment and the welfare of our staff & clients very seriously. Fully documented health & safety training is carried out with all our staff in conjunction with risk assessments & environmental consideration. We are SAFEcontractor & ISO14001 audited and accredited and are dedicated to re-cycling initiatives.